ISO 20000:2005
ISO 20000: 2005 – ITIL by Eurocert
This page will provide you information about ITIL:
- ITIL / ISO 20000: 2005
- ITIL / ISO 20000: 2005
- Introduction to ISO 20000:2005 Standard
- ISO/IEC 20000 benchmarks provision of IT service management
- Isnt ITIL best practices?
Our Services:
- ISO 20000:2005 Gap Analysis
- ISO 20000:2005 Implementation Assistance
- ISO 20000:2005 Pre-Audit
Introduction to ISO 20000 Standard
ISO/IEC 20000 benchmarks provision of IT service management:
With up to 80% of information technology budgets of most organizations directly linked to service management processes, a new ISO/IEC standard that benchmarks this activity is expected to result in cost savings for users, whether large or small enterprises, as well as increased productivity and improved customer service.
Published by ISO (International Organization for Standardization) and IEC (International Electrotechnical Commission), ISO/IEC 20000 will enable organizations to benchmark their capability in delivering managed services, measuring service levels and assessing performance.
The new standard is based on the British Standard BS 15000 and is integrated into ISO and IEC collection of software and systems engineering standards.
Today, IT service providers are under sustained pressure to deliver high quality service at minimum cost. Concerns have been raised that IT services, whether provided by an in-house IT department or an external organization, are not aligned with the needs of the business and its customers. ISO/IEC 20000 will reduce operational exposure to risk, meet contractual and tendering requirements, demonstrate service quality and deliver best value.
The implementation of ISO/IEC 20000 (ITIL) will ensure proactive working practices able to deliver high levels of customer service to meet their business needs. ISO/IEC 20000:2005, which is issued in two parts under the general title, Information technology - Service management, will enable service providers to understand how to enhance the quality of service delivered to their customers, both internal and external.
Part 1: ISO 20000-1 Specification provides requirements for IT service management and is relevant to those responsible for initiating, implementing or maintaining IT service management in their organization.
Part 2: ISO 20000-2 Code of practice represents an industry consensus on guidance to auditors and assistance to service providers planning service improvements or to be audited against ISO/IEC 20000-1:2005.
ISO/IEC 20000 integrates the process-based approach of ISO's management system standards - ISO 9001 and ISO 14001:2004 - including the Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) cycle and requirement for continual improvement.
Isn't ITIL best practices?
For sure it is; and in fact ISO 20000 incorporates all the ITIL Service Support and Service Delivery processes but goes further, by separating out Service Reporting and introducing 3 new processes and management system processes covering:
- Business Relationship Management,
- Supplier Management
- Information Security Management.
ITIL is best practice guidance but it is not possible to be accredited as a company against ITIL. The standard is a specification which provides the company level accreditation to demonstrate the consistent use of best practice.
ISO 20000 does not mandate the use of ITIL. However, demonstrating best practice in IT Service Management is of course far easier if it is underpinned by the use of ITIL.
Our Services
ISO 20000:2005 Gap Analysis
Objectives: During this mission our consultants will bring you a round-up of IT Service management practices in your company compare to ISO 20000:2005 requirements
Is this mission appropriate to your needs? If you plan to benchmark your capabilities in delivering managed services, measuring service levels and assessing performance based on ISO 20000:2005 standard but first want to have a clear view of the gap between your current situation and ISO 20000's requirements.
What will be the deliverables? You will receive a report giving you:
- A clear description of the processes that need to be improved
- A list of missing procedures which are required for compliancy
- We will also provide you a realistic and customized ISO 20000 implementation path.
- ISO 20000:2005 Implementation Assistance
Objectives: During this mission our consultants will help your company to implement an IT Service Management System compliant with ISO 20000 standard.
Is this mission appropriate to your needs? All businesses large and small will be interested in ISO/IEC 20000, as it is the recognized means of benchmarking the delivery of IT to the business.
The main parties that may take specific interest in ISO/IEC 20000 are providers of IT service management services, businesses outsourcing their IT services, businesses managing their own IT services and all providers wishing to benchmark their existing IT service management services.
What will be the deliverables? At the end of the mission your company is operating an ISO 20000 compliant IT Service Management system. Our consultants are also going to provide you an Excel tool in order to evaluate your compliance level on a day to day basis.
ISO 20000:2005 Pre-Audit
Objectives: The goal is to prepare your company to an official ISO 20000:2005 certification audit.
Is this mission appropriate to your needs? You have implemented an IT Service Management System based on ISO 20000:2005 standards and plan to go for an official certification audit but want to be sure that everything is in place.
The main parties that may take specific interest in ISO/IEC 20000 are providers of IT service management services, businesses outsourcing their IT services, businesses managing their own IT services and all providers wishing to benchmark their existing IT service management services.
What will be the deliverables? Our consultants are going to realize an audit based on procedures and methodologies which are identical the one that will be used by the certification bodies and will provide you with some documents like:
- Non Conformity Report
- Summary of Findings
- Corrective Action Report
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